Sunday, June 30, 2013

Thoughts are things...

Thoughts are things....

Do you believe that? Really think about this statement. I believe it....
When I think I am beautiful, I am beautiful
When I think I am ugly, I am ugly (I feel ugly)
When I worry about the number on the does not budge in the right direction
When I don't worry about the number on the scale, it moves in the right direction
When I feel confident, I am confident
When I feel insecure, then I am insecure
When I think about chocolate chip cookies, I eat chocolate chip cookies
When I think about clean eating, I eat clean food

What would happen if I thought only positive things about myself and all situations put in front of me?No self-limiting thoughts... I would be financially independent, successful, healthy, lean, beautiful, smart, #1 mom, I would be unstoppable ALL THE TIME!! 

I am a walking reflection of my thoughts...yeah I get it. 

So, if I think that I am financially independent, successful, healthy, lean, beautiful, smart, #1 mom, unstoppable ALL THE TIME, would I be that and reflect that existence? 

The answer is yes....

Well heck, what am I waiting for? Well it starts with my thoughts and desires. Not only must I think those thoughts, I must feel the thoughts to be real/true. That is the sticking point with me. But if I keep practicing thinking positive and squashing negative thoughts, then I will get there, right? Hmmm....yes if the positive thoughts become a habit. 

I am working on being positive all the time. I need to practice, practice, practice because Lord knows all the negative thoughts that pop in my head on a daily basis.

So that was random, huh.... 

Upper body training today....
Cable Rows
75 x 10
85 x 10
95 x 10

DB Military Presses
20 x 10
25 x 10
25 x 10

Machine Flyes
40 x 10
40 x 10
40 x 10

DB lateral Raises
10 x 10
10 x 10
10 x 10

Incline DB Extensions
10 x 10
12.5 x 10
12.5 x 10

Nice quick workout 

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