Saturday, September 24, 2011

A great day!

My Daughter Erica with one of the kids.....

I woke up this morning somewhat anxious about all I had to do today. I hate waking up with anxiety, and so the first thing I did was pray that I be the person that God wants me to be in every word, deed, and action. Then I took a few minutes to put my anxiety in check. I really had no reason to be anxious.

I woke up a little after 8am. Today I was responsible for coordinating and pulling together the hospital's involvement in the annual Kids Fest Community activity that we have every year. This was my first time participating in this event, let alone coordinating our section of the event. Well, we pulled everything together about 3-4 weeks ago. I asked for some hospital volunteers to help me with this event and I had some people step up to the task. We wanted to do more than just sit at a table handing out free goodies, we wanted the kids to be really engaged in all of our activities. So, we came up with 5 activities for all the little kiddies.
1) Dental hygiene
2) Yummy apple and peanut butter with marshmallow smiley faces
3) Tattoo station
4) Jump Rope and Hula Hoop contest
5) Tour of our ambulance

Erica and the Blue Bear

We kept busy the entire time and the kids as well as each volunteer had a great time. We sent the kids home with apples, tooth brushed, floss, tattoos, Teddy grahams, and stickers.

One thing that I observed was a few beautiful children who kept coming back over and over to make apple faces with peanut butter. At first glance, you would think these kids were just having fun with the activity...but after the 4th go around it be came profoundly clear that some of these kids were hungry. Seeing that just killed me and some of my other volunteers. OMG. I ended up telling one kid to come here and I filled his bag with 6 apples and 6 peanut butter packets. He politely thanked me and then left. After I did that, others came and started asking for more apples. We gave them what they asked for then started giving people 2 apples a piece. Wow. I felt ashamed about how out of touch I was about the needs of our local community. It is one thing to read about it. It is another to see it!!

Got my diet from Scott!! All I can say is that it is REALLY different from my previous diets and I am eating alot of carbs!!! I kinda could not believe it. But, I trust him and I will start the diet on Monday. Between the diet and the training, it is a totally new experience. I will take photos every 4 weeks. I am excited!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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