Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Still stuck on Monday on Wednesday

Don't you love aha moments? I am still stuck on Mondays leg workout standing in awe about how a simple change in the first exercise of the entire quadplex changed the whole momentum of the entire workout. That really got me thinking. So how hard am I really working? Last week I would have told you I was killing the workout. This week I am thinking, was I really killing myself last week during my workouts? Was the fact that I decreased my time on 4/5 workouts really prove that I was training harder?

Hmmmmm.... Was I just focusing on the reps and not the quality of my training? Truthfully speaking...yes and no. It depends on what set I was on in a particular quadplex. By set 3 I am cussing Scott out and I have a bit of an attitude and I am freakin tired. I just go through the motions most of the time on the 3rd set. Also quadplex 3 I struggle through the entire thing. Let me explain the training.

Quadplex 1
1. Exercise A
2. Exercise B
3. Exercise C
4. Exercise D

Repeat the entire quadplex 3 times without full recovery between the exercises and a little recovery between repeating the complex.

Quadplex 2
1. Exercise A
2. Exercise B
3. Exercise C
4. Exercise D

Repeat the entire quadplex 3 times

Quadplex 3
1. Exercise A
2. Exercise B
3. Exercise C
4. Exercise D

Repeat the entire quadplex 3 times

Quadplex 4
1. Exercise A
2. Exercise B
3. Exercise C
4. Exercise D

Repeat the entire quadplex 3 times

So.....4 Grueling Complexes a total of 16 exercises and repeating each exercise 3 times....and get this, alot of the reps are around 15-20 each exercise!! Grrrrrr......

I get a huge sense of accomplishment following each workout and I like the results I am seeing with the training, even when I cheat.

I am going to work on increasing the intensity of my training. Instead of concentrating on completing the reps and getting done faster, I am going to focus on each rep and do it as fast and explosively as I can...without cheating. I plan to make every rep count. I am going to do this tonite and I will let you know the results tomorrow.

I bought this outfit yesterday...the pants and sweater and wore it to work today. I got alot of compliments on this outfit.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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