Ah.... It's 5 o'clock in the morning as I bolt out of the bed to run downstairs to prepare a bottle of 1/2 milk and 1/2 water for my 21 month old grandson. He just squirmed a little, but that was all it took to wake me up and send me flying downstairs before little man woke up screaming for his baba. Mother instinct or should I call it grandma instinct, whatever it takes to keep my baby happy I shall give.
Yesterday I was so wrapped up in the joy of having my grandson that I totally forgot about myself. It was all about him from the time he awoke to the time we went to sleep. It was about 10 pm yesterday when I noticed that I had a screaming lack of caffeine headache. I went the entire day and night without an ounce of coffee....and I usually drink a pot. I had a mild headache early on and I told myself....better make some coffee, but Cameron kept me distracted enough to forego the coffee. By 5 o'clock this morning my headache was over the top! I took 3 Excedrin which has some caffeine in it and a caffeine 200mg capsule while I got Cam's bottle ready. Headache GONE!!!
As Cam and my daughter continued to sleep (we all sleep together in my queen size bed....to prevent Cam from falling out of bed) I snuck out of the house and drove a few blocks to the gas station to get my fav coffee mixed with a bit of pumpkin spice cappuccino. I am enjoying my coffee as I type this blog.
It is mornings like this that I feel I experience a bit of heaven as I stare at my grandson sleeping. I am staring at pure innocence. Pure innocence for sure. This little man is full of love. Yesterday I bet he came up to me at least 20 times to give me a kiss on my lips with his wet lips. Haha...yesterday I had milk kisses, snot kisses, tootsie pop sucker kisses, and cereal kisses.
He kissed my flat screen TV a dozen times....grrr....lol and he kissed his cousin picture on my iPad alot too. My lil' man leaves a trail of love wherever he goes. Oh how I wish that he would stay that way and that we would imitate that kind of love to each other that he so readily gives without expectation. That would be heaven on earth for sure.
This week was a good week for me diet and training wise. I ate pretty much on plan 5/7 days and ate whatever I wanted for only 2 days. I can see a hint of my abs again.
Training has been good. Instead of 3 sets of all the exercises, I did 2 sets of everything to minimize the time spent in the gym....but to make up for shaving a set off of each exercise, I either increased the weight or did an entire cycle of exercises with hardly NO rest in-between sets. I did whatever it took to feel it the next day lol.
As far as the diet, I just ate clean and kept my calories fairly low for 5/7 days.
Coach said that we may look at changing my routine come the first of the year. I am kinda excited about that. I hate to leave my current routine, but the thought of something new excites me. I have been doing the 5 day MET training for 12 weeks and it is great. I have no clue what the change will entail, but one thing I do know is that I plan to incorporate diet with the training plan and see where this will take me.
I am looking forward to seeing what Coach Scotts training and diet will do for my physique. I am sure that I will see some amazing results without doing any extreme dieting.
Several people at my gym ask me about competing in 2012. At this point, the only person that I want to compete with is myself. I have NO DESIRE to get on stage....NONE. But, I want to get in peak condition and at least look the part. I am really curious to see where I can take my physique in a healthy way. I want to be a hot grandma.....lol. I want to rock all those new cute tee shirts that I bought....by March 1, 2012.
So by March 1, 2012 I plan to be leaner for sure.
Here's a funny pic
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